Thank you so much for registering to take part in Step up for 30 with your company
A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly with more details about the event and how to get started with your fundraising.
Raising money
Thank you so much for making a donation towards our costs. All the money raised from Step up for 30 will help fund vital services and lifesaving research to help stop people dying of bowel cancer.
The easiest way to fundraise is through a JustGiving page. Simply set your company page up, personalise it and share it with all your colleagues, customers and contacts.
The Step up for 30 hub
You can visit our new Step up for 30 hub which has everything your team needs to get started with your challenge. Including activity schedules and our shop, where you can buy our Step up for 30 merch.
Share your snaps
Take photos of your teams Step up for 30 activity and share them on Twitter and Instagram using @bowelcanceruk and #stepupfor30. You can use our suggested Tweet below:
We're taking part in #stepupfor30 for @bowelcanceruk. Throughout April we'll be getting active and raising money to help stop people dying of bowel cancer. Please sponsor us at (link to your JustGiving page).
Thanks again for your support, we really appreciate it.