We're the UK's leading bowel cancer charity

Useful websites

It may not be clear what services are out there to help those affected by cancer, and navigating your way around the internet during this difficult time isn't always easy. Here are useful websites and organisations for more information about bowel cancer including support and information, advice and information about screening:


Support services

Click here to see what support services are available


Carer’s Trust
0844 800 4361
Provide information, advice and practical support to all carers across the UK. The website lists services available in your area such as complementary therapies, training courses, and information on benefits and counselling.

Colostomy UK
24 hour helpline 0800 328 4257
Provide support, reassurance and practical information to anyone who has or is about to have a colostomy.

FAP Gene Support Group
Provides information for people affected by FAP.

Watch online videos of people sharing their stories about health issues including bowel cancer. Topics include diagnosis, treatment, talking to children and daily living.

IA (Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group)
A support group run by and for people with ileostomies and internal pouches.

Just Can't Wait Toilet Card
The Just Can't Wait Toilet Card from Bladder and Bowel Community uses the universally acknowledged W.C. signage, giving the benefit of discrete and clear communication for those moments where you just can’t wait to use the toilet. 

Lynch Syndrome UK
A volunteer-run organisation that raises awareness of Lynch syndrome and provides information and support.

Macmillan Cancer Support
Freephone support line 0808 808 00 00 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm
Provide support and information on cancer, money, benefits and work.

Provide free practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their family and friends. Maggie’s have centres at some NHS hospitals as well as an online centre.

Penny Brohn Cancer Care
Helpline 0845 123 23 10
Help people live well with cancer by offering a range of services, including wellbeing courses and complementary therapies.

Shine Cancer Support
A network for anyone living with cancer in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

Teenage Cancer Trust
020 7612 0370
Provide services and support for young people with cancer between the ages of 13 and 24.

Providing social and practical support to young adults facing cancer in their 20s & 30s throughout the UK.


Fertility and sexual health

Click here to find where you can receive advice on reproductive health during and after cancer


Daisy Network
Provide support and information for women who have experienced a premature menopause.

Fertility Network UK 
Provide support, information and advice on fertility and NHS funding.

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority
Provide information on what happens at a fertility clinic and gives details of fertility clinics in the UK.

Sexual Advice Association
020 7486 7262 Mon, Wed and Fri, 9am-5pm
Provide information on sexuality and intimacy, including information for people with cancer.

Cancer and screening services

Click here to find details of cancer services, including screening


Bowel Screening Wales
Provides information about bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening in Wales.

Cancer Research UK
Information for people affected by cancer. You can speak to an information nurse by calling 0808 800 4040 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Website includes information on physiotherapy and cancer.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Produce national guidance and advice to improve health and social care. Their website has information for the public on the management of colorectal cancer (clinical guideline 131).

Northern Ireland Bowel Cancer Screening Programme 
Provides information about bowel cancer screening in Northern Ireland.

NHS bowel cancer screening programme – England
Provides information about bowel cancer screening in England.

NHS Health Scotland
Provides resources on the bowel screening programme in Scotland. Includes a DVD which provides information on bowel cancer, screening and animated instructions on ´Doing the Test´.

NHS Wales – Cancer
Provides information about cancer screening, early detection and access to treatment

Northern Ireland Cancer Network Survivorship
Provides details of support services available in Northern Ireland for people living with and beyond cancer.

Northern Trust (N. Ireland) cancer services
Provides details of the different services you may be in contact with throughout your cancer journey, from referral through to treatment, life after treatment and support available for you and your carers.

Scottish bowel screening programme
Provides information about the bowel screening programme in Scotland.

Scottish Cancer Prevention Network (SCPN)
The Scottish Cancer Prevention network is focused on moving evidence on cancer risk reduction into everyday life, practice and policy

The Family History of Bowel Cancer Clinic
A blog from West Middlesex University Hospital that includes information for the public.

UK Clinical Trials Gateway
Provide easy to understand information about clinical research trials running in the UK.

World Cancer Research Fund
Evidence based information on ways to reduce your risk of cancer

Legal and lifestyle advice

Click here to find resources on financial help for those affected by cancer, as well as general lifestyle advice


Helpline 0300 123 1100
Provide free information and advice on problems in the workplace and employment law.

Citizens Advice
Provide free, confidential advice on money, work and housing. You can find details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau on their website or in your phone directory.

Healthy working Lives
Advice-line 0800 019 2211
Offer a free advice-line to talk confidentially on a wide range of workplace health issues.

NHS Business Services Authority
For information on help with health costs in England, Scotland and Wales.

NHS Change4Life
Help to make healthy changes to your life.

NHS Choices
The UK’s biggest health website.

NHS Live Well
Information on how you can improve your health and well-being

Government website for Northern Ireland citizens. Includes information on help with health costs.

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Your support helps save lives. Donate now and help us ensure a future where nobody dies of bowel cancer.
Your support helps save lives. Donate now and help us ensure a future where nobody dies of bowel cancer.

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