Resources for you
Our resources have been developed to support health professionals across the UK to deliver the highest possible standards of treatment, care and support for people affected by bowel cancer.

Referring people for colorectal cancer investigation in England: best practice guidance for GPs
This factsheet provides best practice guidance for GPs in England on monitoring people with bowel problems and the use of qFIT (quantitative faecal immunochemical test) in primary care. It aims to give GPs confidence and support in recognising symptoms that could be bowel cancer and has been developed to incorporate the new NICE guidance.

Referring people for colorectal cancer investigation in Wales: best practice guidance for GPs
This factsheet provides best practice guidance for GPs in Wales on monitoring people with bowel problems and the use of qFIT (quantitative faecal immunochemical test) in primary care. It aims to give GPs confidence and support in recognising symptoms that could be bowel cancer and has been developed to incorporate the new NICE guidance.

Information resources – from diagnosis and treatment to living with and beyond bowel cancer
This briefing sheet helps healthcare professionals supporting people affected by bowel cancer.

Symptoms diary: a brief for GPs
The symptoms diary aims to help patients with possible signs of bowel cancer to keep track of their symptoms before they visit their GP. This diary recording can give GPs a good indication about whether someone needs further tests for the disease.
Our briefing sheet for GPs explains how it should be used.
Symptoms diary: a brief for GPs