Questions to ask
You might like to take a list of questions to your hospital appointment, to help you understand your options. We have suggested some possible questions here.
Before surgery
- What is the aim of the surgery?
- What type of operation can I have?
- What are the benefits and risks?
- Where will I have the operation?
- Who will treat me? How much experience do they have of this type of surgery?
- Can you tell me about the outcomes and success rates of surgery in this unit?
- Do you offer an enhanced recovery programme? What does this involve?
- How long will I be in hospital before and after the operation?
- What are the possible side effects?
- Will I need a stoma? How long for?
- What other options are there if I don’t want to have surgery?
- Are there other hospitals that offer different types of surgery?
After surgery
- When will I find out what stage the cancer is? (What size it is and whether it has spread)
- What follow-up appointments will I have and what will they be for?
- Will I need any further treatment? If yes, when will this start?
- Will you send details of my treatment (called a treatment summary) to my GP? Can I have a copy?
- What support is available after surgery?
Updated July 2019

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