This week is Trustees' Week
Monday 1 November 2021
Monday 1 November to Friday 5 November is Trustees' Week, an annual opportunity to celebrate and thank our wonderful Board of Trustees. Trustees are volunteers who share ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and run.
We asked one of our Trustees, Angie Wiles, to tell us why she's a Trustee for us.
I lost one of my dearest friends, Toni Millard, to bowel cancer seven years ago and vowed to do all I could to stop anyone else suffering the pain and loss her family have. Toni was a practice nurse, an ardent supporter of the NHS and yet when she needed it most it let her down. She was diagnosed way too late in A&E and suffered five years of gruelling treatment, before sadly passing away and leaving three adolescent kids and a wonderful husband.
After her passing, I applied to become a Trustee so that I could try and make a meaningful difference to all those continuing to suffer and to try to help raise awareness, champion best practice and earlier diagnosis in bowel cancer. That's what I've tried to do by using my career backgrounds in healthcare PR and communications to the full and support the Bowel Cancer UK team on a whole host of initiatives, including marketing, PR, recruitment and some of the key decisions such as the merger of Beating Bowel Cancer and Bowel Cancer UK in 2018.
I've also tried to raise as much funds as possible to help advance research and patient support, and have now run both the London Marathon and three half marathons with my trusted running partner Tanya Pascall and my wonderful husband – together we've raised nearly £15,000 and we plan to continue to do all we can to stop people dying unnecessarily from bowel cancer.
I love working with such an empowered, knowledgeable and insightful group of Trustees who all have the charity's best interests at heart and I've particularly enjoyed working with the Never Too Young project group to try and change things for the better for bowel cancer patients under 50.
Find out more about our Board of Trustees