Star of the Month
Every month we like to acknowledge a Star within our wonderful supporter base who has fundraised or volunteered for us and in need of receiving an extra thank you.
It is always a tough choice with so many wonderful supporters doing amazing things for us. Our stars of the month receive a certificate and have their story shared on this lovely fundraising blog.
If you know someone who you feel deserve being put forward for this award, then get in touch with us at
Tarryn won our February Star of the Month and this is why.
Tarryn has volunteered in our fundraising team for the last 2 years after losing her best friend Ilona to bowel cancer in 2012. This March Tarryn and her husband move back to Australia, so we wanted to say thank you for being a star these last few years.
This is Tarryns story
In 2012 I lost my best friend to bowel cancer. I watched her deteriorate over the few years from when she was diagnosed and saw how it affected not only her, but her family and friends. I really struggled with Ilona’s death and found that talking about bowel cancer and raising awareness really helped me. I was lucky enough to bump into the Bowel Cancer UK team when they were raising money for research and decided that I wanted to be part of that great organisation. Since then, I have participated in money collection drives and also big corporate events where Bowel Cancer UK is the chosen charity for raising awareness and donations.
It is over 4 years now since Ilona passed away and although she is not in the forefront of my mind every second of the day, I still remember her often and keep photos and pieces of her life with me. Volunteering for a charity that fights against a disease that took my best friend at the young at of 31 makes me feel like I am doing something worthwhile, that she would be proud of me and that her spirit and memory stays alive. Bowel cancer is such a ‘hush hush’ cancer, one that people are embarrassed to talk about or go to the doctors for, (I should know as that is exactly what happened with Ilona), so if being more vocal about the cancer and volunteering for this charity helps at least one other person, then it is worth every second of my time.
Tarryn has helped to collectively raise over £6000 from selling raffles at the Sammy and Pappa awards, being involved in our professional photoshoot and most recently selling unity bands at her workplace raising £470.53.
Thank you Tarryn.
Would you like to volunteer with us just like Tarryn, then take a look at our volunteering page.