Paula’s top tips for eating after colonic stenting
Friday 4 October 2019
Paula Fowler, 50 from Tyne & Ware, was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in October 2017. As part of her treatment she had a colonic stent fitted. She shares her top tips with us about what foods she found easier to digest after having the procedure.
I had to have a colonic stent fitted because my bowel was completely blocked by the tumour, and I couldn't go to the loo. As you can imagine, this was incredibly painful.
Going through the procedure wasn't the nicest way to spend a day, but it was necessary. It only lasted for about an hour but it was uncomfortable. The preparation meant I had to stay very close to the toilet, however as soon as it was complete I was pain free. I was so pleased that I went through with it, it was definitely worth it.
I have had to slightly adapt my eating habits as some foods were harder to digest, this is what worked for me and I hope it helps you too.
- Avoided foods like sweetcorn as you run the risk of blocking the stent
- Didn't eat dried fruit, such as raisins, as it made my tummy swell
- Only ate nuts and seeds in moderation
- When I did eat nuts and seeds, I made sure they were good quality, chopped well or blended as it makes them much easier to digest
- Don't be frightened to eat what you enjoy!
Read our new factsheet, 'About colonic stenting', which provides information about why you might have a stent fitted, what's involved and the possible complications.