Our Star of the month goes to Anna
Tuesday 4 July 2017
"On the day I found out I had cancer, I was also given a CT scan, the day after I met with my Surgeon. He told me it hadn't spread but it was likely a T3/N1/M0. So surgery was needed and he could do it on Saturday April 1 for me.
The speed in which this happened meant that I had no time to worry, and that was a blessing. No time to think about what surgery meant or how I would be after.
Telling the boys was easy, I just told them the truth – 'Boys, mummy has a lump in her tummy, it's making mummy sick, so I am going into hospital for five days to get it taken out. When I get home, I am going to be sore, and we will need to be careful with mummy and her tummy for a couple of weeks. What you need to know is that it won't hurt mummy to take it out, as the doctors will look after me, and I will be back home in time for Oliver's fourth birthday, and his birthday party will still be going ahead. Is that ok boys?' 'Yes mummy'.
Wow. Surgery. Sh**. Do not recommend. Although four days later, I went home, so actually it wasn't that bad, just when you are going through it. Wow.
During my hospital stay, I felt smelly and stale and not myself, no matter how much nice smelly shower gel I put on or how long I cleaned my teeth. Being ill, it's so humiliating and humbling and takes you to a dark space. My sister didn't let me settle there though. She kept dragging me back up to the light. And Damian, my husband, did not leave my side once I came out of recovery. Staff said nothing. Just found him a bed. So I felt like crap, but I also felt loved."
Anna Gilmour, 38 from Surrey, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in March at the age of 38. Throughout June, Anna has been taking part in our brand new campaign Step up for 30. She's been running, walking and cycling her way through the month, all the while undergoing treatment and raising an incredible £2,449 so far.
Anna has two young boys, Sam and Oliver, and has been blogging throughout her bowel cancer journey.
I named my cancer 'Sid'. Cancer is a scary word, and not something I wanted my children to hear being mentioned; those little ears can pick up everything. It's two weeks until we know what Sid is and how devastating he has been. I hope he's the nicest cancer you can ever have. Not Mr Evil himself. In the meantime, heal, ask for help, enjoy all my family around me, and my friends helping me. Spend time with my boisterous, beautiful boys and watch some box sets with my lovely hubby. And hope. Hope that we've caught it in time. Hope that I am a bowel cancer success story.
Feeling inspired? Take on a challenge and raise money to help stop people dying of bowel cancer.