Today is World Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Day
Today (Friday 27 September) is World Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Day.
Every year around 42,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bowel cancer, with 10,000 people diagnosed at stage four. This is also known as advanced, secondary or metastatic disease, and is when the cancer spreads from the bowel to other parts of the body, most commonly the liver or lungs.
To mark World Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Day, we’re shining a light on all our support, research and campaigns for those diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.
- We know these patients have difficulty being diagnosed and do not get access to effective treatment options, which means they typically have poorer chances of survival. That’s why we launched our Get Personal campaign in 2017, which aims to improve access to treatment and quality of life for those diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.
- Earlier this month we announced Mr Robert Jones, a surgical oncologist at Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Liverpool as the UK’s first Surgical Specialty Lead in Colorectal Liver Metastases. We are delighted to fund this brand new role, which is in partnership with the Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons.
- Listen to our podcast on living well with advanced bowel cancer, our host BBC journalist George Alagiah interviews Matthew Wiltshire who has stage four bowel cancer, and the charity’s former Chief Executive, Deborah Alsina MBE.
- Read our health information on advanced bowel cancer.
- Watch our videos of people living with and caring for loved ones that have been diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.
- Read our blog on World Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Day where we share three people’s experiences of living with stage four bowel cancer.
- We have a group on our online community for people affected by advanced bowel cancer. It’s a welcoming place to ask questions, read about people’s experiences and support each other.
- You can help lead improvements and care for people with advanced bowel cancer by becoming one of 10,000 campaign supporters. Sign up today and we’ll support you to take action and make real change happen on issues that really matter to people with the disease.
- We strive to provide support and information to everyone affected by the disease, and fund breakthroughs in research to help save lives. Donate now and help us stop people dying of bowel cancer.