This week is Carers Week
Sunday 6 June 2021
To mark Carers Week (7-13 June), we're shining a light on the support we provide for loved ones.
Carers and loved ones play a vital role in supporting their family or friend with bowel cancer, and this can impact on all aspects of life from relationships and health to finances and work. It can also be made more difficult without the right support and information.
You're not alone. We're here for you every step of the way:
- Our online community is a place for carers and loved ones to share experiences, ask questions and support each other. We have three different groups tailored for your different needs:
- Relatives and friends: An open group for relatives and friends to talk to others and ask questions.
- Caregiver support: a private group to discuss issues specifically affecting as you as your support your loved ones’ and friends going through treatment.
- Bereavement support: a private group for family and friends who have a lost a loved one to support each other.
- Listen to our podcast on caring for a loved one with bowel cancer. BBC's George Alagiah interviews Stacey Heale from Southampton, whose husband Greg has bowel cancer, along with the charity's former Chief Executive, Deborah Alsina MBE, on what it's like caring for a loved one with the disease.
- Join our Facebook group for loved ones and carers to support each other.
- Our nurses are here to help. They can provide you with information and signpost you to further support.
- Read our Real Life Stories of loved ones sharing their perspective on how they're affected by the disease.
- Join our free virtual event on Saturday 19 June 2021 from 10.30am to 2pm. Hosted on Zoom, this free information and support event is for anyone affected by bowel cancer. You'll hear about how to cope with a cancer diagnosis, live better with the disease and managing the side effects of treatment.
- Our support and information on emotional wellbeing is here for patients and loved ones. Read our tips on how to manage fear, anxiety and depression, how to develop good sleeping habits as well as coping with a diagnosis.
Charities such as Carers Trust and Carers UK can also provide information and advice.