Previous event - Living well with bowel cancer: Community support event in Northern Ireland
This event is in the past - you can catch up with previous online support events here.
Event details
- When: Saturday 14 October 2023
- Time: 9.30am-3.30pm
- Who's it for: anyone affected by bowel cancer, including family and friends
- Where: Radisson Blu Hotel, The Gasworks, 3 Cromac Place, Belfast, BT7 2JB, Northern Ireland
Our in-person community support events bring people living with bowel cancer together to connect with others who’ve been through something similar.
Throughout the day you’ll learn more about bowel cancer from expert-led information and support sessions, so you feel better supported to cope with the disease.
We’ll be covering topics such as:
- the effects of treatment for bowel cancer
- looking after your emotional wellbeing
- living well with a stoma
- eating well
- keeping active and getting back to exercise
It’s free to attend and lunch and refreshments will be provided.
You must register to attend. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

About the speakers
Wendy Brown
Physiotherapist, InControl Physiotherapy
Wendy is a Specialist Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist with an interest in rehabilitation for cancer patients. She’s previously worked in the oncology teams at the Belfast Trust and the Southern Trust. Wendy currently works for InControl Physiotherapy and the state of Guernsey.

Claire Coughlan
Clinical Lead, Bowel Cancer UK
Claire’s role at Bowel Cancer UK focuses on the provision of support for patients, health professional education and ensuring that the charity’s clinical focus remains current and relevant.
Claire is a Consultant Nurse in Colorectal Cancer with expertise in symptom assessment and the suspected cancer referral pathway, family history and late effects of cancer treatment.
Claire is also undertaking a PhD in the priorities for bowel cancer follow up care across diverse communities.

Ciara Geraghty
HCPC Registered Dietitian, MSc Dietetics BSc Public Health Nutrition
Specialist Surgical Dietitian, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Ciara is a Registered Dietitian who has a range of clinical experience. She currently specialises in Lower Gastrointestinal Surgery in the Belfast Trust.

Anandi Mahadeo
RelateCC; BACP(Accred); RegCOSRT
Relationship & Sexual Counsellor, Relate NI
Anandi has worked within the field of relationship counselling exclusively with RelateNI since 1999. She extended her practice to include psychosexual therapy in 2003. Anandi provides training for new counsellors and delivers workshops and talks.

Dr Declan Curtis
Chartered Counselling Psychologist, Cancer Services, Belfast City Hospital
Declan has been qualified as a psychologist for ten years. His health psychology focused career has seen him work in Durham, London and, most recently, Belfast for the last seven years. Declan has spent the last four years based in cancer services and hospice care.
Helen Coulter
Community Specialist Stoma Nurse, Eakin Healthcare
Helen was a Link Stoma Nurse, working between the wards and the stoma care department at Antrim Area Hospital, for 15 years. After 37 years in the NHS, she left to join Respond Healthcare 11 years ago, to establish their community stoma care service in Northern Ireland. Helen now provides a stoma service for all ostomates in Northern Ireland.