Sue Grigg, Exeter
I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer in 2014 at the age of 57.
I was only diagnosed by chance really. As a keen runner, I just felt like my batteries were running low and I was slightly breathless on running up hills which isn’t like me. I was also not gaining any weight despite eating well at Christmas.
My friends thought I had better get checked out and as I worked in a GP surgery I had blood tests done very quickly. Due to my age and the fact tests came back with very low haemoglobin levels and low iron, I was fast tracked for a colonoscopy. On the third attempt they found a five centimetre tumour in my colon.
I had keyhole surgery which was successful but then unfortunately had a twisted bowel a week after. I then had emergency open surgery and had to have three metres of small bowel removed. I’m so very grateful I did not have to have a stoma but did have twelve rounds of chemotherapy which even though not pleasant I managed to cope well with only minor side effects. My side effects included neuropathy, nausea and a metallic taste.
In 2016, I did the Brighton Marathon in four hours and 44 minutes which was a real achievement for me as never in a million years did I think I could do it. I have decided that as I’m 65 now I’m going to do the London Marathon virtually as I feel really well at the moment and after the past couple of years I want to do something for me and hopefully raise lots of money for Bowel Cancer UK.
Running probably saved my life as I may not have noticed more severe symptoms until too late. Since my diagnosis I appreciate life more and I’m trying to keep as fit as possible.