Sophie Shardlow, Nottingham
Sophie shared their story with us in 2022. Sadly Sophie passed away in March 2023. The following article was originally published in May 2022.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer (which later developed to stage 4) in March 2020 at the age of 54.
My symptoms started in February 2020 when I was feeling very faint and tired at a pilates class. After this I visited my GP who tested me for anaemia, then because of my age also asked me to take a stool sample. This fast tracked me for a colonoscopy where a large tumour was found in my ascending colon.
In May 2020, I had open surgery to remove the 20cm tumour however I had a bad reaction to ondansatron during this which caused locked-in syndrome. Locked-in syndrome is a rare neurological disorder characterized by complete paralysis of voluntary muscles, except for those that control the eyes. Ten days in the high dependency unit and I was sent home and recovery went well.
In June 2020 I started capox chemotherapy. However I had a very bad experience of oxaliplatin with an extended slow IV over five plus hours, throat constriction, neuropathy, sickness etc. However I did cope well with capecitabine tablets. My chemotherapy treatment was completed in October 2020.
In 2021, I found a lump in my tummy so my GP referred me to the colorectal consultant and the lump was initial deemed of no concern. However the lump continued to grow and I fainted in the gym.
The GP referred me again and I had a CT scan where I was diagnosed with a large tumour in the mesentery and the liver. The doctor told me that surgery would not be not possible so I have now moved on to trying palliative chemotherapy.
My life has changed since diagnosis. I was the very busy boss of BBC Radio Leicester which I loved and really defined me, but am unable to work now.
Since leaving I have learnt the joy of being at home and having a gentle life. I feel very lucky to have experienced cancer during lockdown. I had no 'fear of missing out' as nobody else was doing anything! I learnt to slow down, relish the moment and I am now closer than I ever was to my family and friends.