Michelle Knight, Hampshire
I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer in December 2021 at the age of 55.
In late October 2021, I started to notice a slight change in my bowel movements. I went from a very regular routine, to only going every few days or so, and without giving too much detail, the consistency of the bowel movements had changed from normal to less solid. But at this point I was not concerned. After two to three weeks however my bowels stopped working altogether and I had some abdominal discomfort and bloating. I was then thinking something was not quite right.
I contacted my GP via an online consultation and two days later I had a telephone consultation where I was advised to take some laxatives or suppositories. I then also upped my fibre intake as I thought that might help me. Two more days passed and pain and discomfort was becoming more of an issue and it had been almost ten days since my bowel had last opened. It was now the weekend so I decided to call 111, who were very helpful. They made me an appointment with the GP on call, who gave me an internal examination and then sent me to the local hospital. They in turn put me on antibiotics and I had a CT scan.
The scan revealed a tumour, and it was at that point I was told I had bowel cancer. Until that moment I had not even thought bowel cancer was a possibility. I thought I was too young! The GP and hospital staff that I saw were absolutely amazing. I could not fault them. I ended up staying in hospital for ten days whilst they got my bowels moving.
So early January I had a MRI and a PET scan, as they said I had enlarged lymph nodes in my chest, so the possibility of it being elsewhere had increased. Meanwhile surgery went ahead. I had robotic lower anterior resection as the tumour was in the sigmoid colon area.
Following my surgery I spent nine days in hospital as I took a bit longer to recover. The PET scan came back clear, so no further spread, however, it was detected in two to three of the 40 lymph nodes that they removed near my bowel, so I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. I am now on round two of four sessions of chemotherapy. A combination of intravenous (capox) and tablet (capecitabine). I am suffering some side effects as a result of treatment including nausea, throat spasms, tingling in hands and feet and tiredness.
I do not have any family history as far as I am aware of any bowel cancer, but I have received a letter about clinical trials. I have not been tested for Lynch syndrome.
I certainly have had an outlook change of life. I very much appreciate what and who I have around me. Since diagnosis I have been on the Bowel Cancer UK website and used the forum on there. I am also involved in a Chat Together with other people who are or have had bowel cancer. I am finding it invaluable.