David Nye, Brighton
My mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer in February 2021 at the age of 69.
I always remember when my mum combed her hair, she used to get lots of loose hair in her hand and every time she would say "my hair is falling out, I've got cancer." I always replied with "don't be silly mum." About two months later my mum got diagnosed with bowel cancer.
When my mum told me, I was shocked and in disbelief. I wasn't there when she got diagnosed, but I found out after she came back from a hospital appointment.
Along with all her other health problems, cancer was the last thing we expected. My mum seemed fine for a couple of months, then one day, she started feeling poorly and then it hit me in the face. I kept telling myself, this isn't happening.
My mum didn't get any treatment, as it was too risky with all her other health problems and all the medication she was on.
The impact of her being ill was like a huge punch in my stomach, I couldn't believe it was real, I kept telling myself it's not real, it hit me hard.
My mum got taken into hospital and was in there when the nurses told her she had months to live. They transferred her to a nursing home and five months later on the 8 August 2021, my mum passed away peacefully in her sleep. It was a sad and heart-breaking day for all of my family, especially me, as I was her full time carer, as well as her son.