Going for a colonoscopy
Colonoscopy Confidence – your common sense bowel check
We know some people feel anxious or worried when they're told they need a colonoscopy but it's important to have this test if you're referred.
If you've been asked by your doctor to have a colonoscopy it's because they suspect something isn't quite right about your bowel or colon, and they'd like a specialist to take a closer look. The procedure involves an endoscopist putting a thin flexible tube with a camera on the end up your bottom so they can see the inside of your bowel.
Colonoscopy is a very common procedure – thousands are carried out across the UK every week. They give endoscopists a close-up view of the inside of your bowel so they can clearly see if there's anything wrong. A colonoscopy can feel a little uncomfortable, but it's an important part of maintaining good all-round health.
Most people who have a colonoscopy won’t have bowel cancer. But, if bowel cancer is detected at its earliest stage nearly everybody is treated successfully.
That's why if you have an appointment for a colonoscopy, it's really important that you attend – let's keep your bowel in good health.
Watch our short film about the Colonoscopy Confidence campaign
This video is also available to watch with Welsh, Urdu, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic subtitles. You can switch language using the video settings directly on YouTube.
Download our factsheet
This factsheet explains what a colonoscopy is, what's involved and suggests some questions you might want to ask.
Colonoscopy Confidence factsheet (English)
This factsheet is also available in Welsh, Urdu, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic.
Download our leaflet
This leaflet explains what to expect when you go for a colonoscopy as well as some questions you might want to ask in advance.
Bridget's story
"Without a colonoscopy I wouldn't be here today."
Alan's story
"If you get it done quickly it could save your life."
Lesley's story
"It's far less complicated and painful than you actually think it's going to be."
You can listen to more people talk about their experiences of going for a colonoscopy here. You can also read tips and advice for someone going for their first colonoscopy in our blog.
Watch our animation
Our animated film explains what a colonoscopy is and what's involved. This video is also available to watch with Welsh, Urdu, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic subtitles. You can switch language using the video settings directly on YouTube.
Do you work in a healthcare setting?
Our posters, factsheets and leaflet can be used online, in information stalls, on displays, on noticeboards and in patient areas. Download our Colonoscopy Confidence campaign toolkit which includes assets and information to support the campaign.
Norgine provided sponsorship in the form of a financial grant for this campaign.